Tag Archives: branded gift

Key USB as End of Year Gift

Key USB as End of Year Gift South Africa- A clever branded gift that is perfect as an end of year gift for staff members, the Key USB is a compact, cost-effective item. Ideal to give to first time car or home owners, this is an everyday item that can fit neatly on your key ring.

3 Reasons why this is a fantastic end of year gift:

  1. Unique, cost-effective gift
  2. Standard 4GB, other sizes can be ordered
  3. Durable, light weight material

Key Shaped Memory Stick

A brilliant item to have engraved with your logo or brand name, the Key USB is clever way to manage personal data storage around the office or at home. An item that is needed every day, whether at work or school, this is a brilliant item to ensure your brand makes a daily appearance  in the lives of staff over the holiday season.

Don’t miss out on the awesome Key USBs, e-mail info@brandinnovation.co.za now.